How the core topics were identified

Personalised healthcare is constantly evolving with a growing community benefitting from and advocating for it

The mandate from the Roche Global Personalised Healthcare Patient Council to work towards increasing personalised healthcare literacy led to:
The creation of a person-centred definition of personalised healthcare
The mapping of the benefits of personalised healthcare for people affected by health conditions in the Value Framework
The development of a toolkit of open-source educational materials

Next it was clear that we needed to find a way to further support the health advocate community. We agreed that beyond collaborating with advocates on the materials required to educate their communities, we want to support their work with health systems and policy-makers to ensure that patient and carer voices are represented throughout decision-making and in strategies for personalised solutions.

An existing, publicly available framework helped us achieve this goal: the Personalised Healthcare Policy Building Blocks, developed by the Future Proofing Healthcare initiative. In an analysis of 80+ healthcare plans, interviews, and a process of industry validation by a panel of experts50 unique elements needed to achieve personalised healthcare across different countries and health systems were identified. These elements form 17 building blocks, which span four core categories:

PLanning and enabling building block
Health information and IT infrastructure building block
Health services building block
Health Products Building block
Building blocks to achieve Personalised Healthcare mapped and identified as part of the Future Proofing Healthcare initiative
Of these building blocks, three were identified as key areas for health advocate involvement, based on reviews of existing advocacy organisation-driven initiatives:
Book icon to represent education
Literacy Building and Empowerment
Graphic to represent an ecosystem
Ecosystem Development and Policy
Graphic to represent digital tools
Data and Digitalisation of Healthcare

For each of the elements associated with these three building blocks, clear action areas were mapped. When the group of health advocates behind the Hub and Toolkit were presented with the Personalised Healthcare Policy Building Blocks, they agreed that this would be the ideal framework to form the backbone of a Playbook for Health Advocates.

Bringing the open-source educational materials together with a wealth of existing resources on ecosystems development and policy, as well as data and digitalisation of healthcare, we brought all of the excellent work already being done by advocacy organisations under a single framework for creating change, and created the Personalised Healthcare Hub to house it.

“When looking at these action areas, it occurred to me – we’re doing a lot of these. They’re just not under a single banner yet.”

Linda Wenger, Chief Marketing Officer LUNGevity, co-creator of the Educational Toolkit, Playbook and Hub

Personalised Healthcare Hub and Toolkit for the Patient Community

We designed the Personalised Healthcare Hub and Toolkit for the Patient Community logo to represent people while the colours and fluid forms show the personalisation of treatment moving towards improving outcomes for individuals and society.

Personalised Healthcare Hub

Explore a collection of educational materials and awareness campaigns, guidance, and best practice examples to support advocates in their work to make personalised health solutions available to everyone

Submit a Resource

If you have a resource you would like to include in the Personalised Healthcare Hub, please fill in the contact form below with a link to the resource and any additional details

Our patient organisation partners

Canadian organization of rare disorders logo
International aliance of patient organisations logo
Lymphoma Coalition
European Federation of Neurological Assocations logo
Lungevity logo
Youth Cancer Europe logo
European Patients Forum logo
Retina international logo
The Personalised Healthcare Hub was originally co-created by Roche and its Global Personalised Healthcare Patient Council and the Personalised Healthcare Literacy Squad in June 2021. Please note all materials are the intellectual property of the authors, unless stated to be under Creative Commons license. Guidance for adapting materials under the Creative Commons license can be found here. M-XX-00005824 | Roche Privacy Policy | Roche Legal Statement

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