The CHANGE domain aims to create a platform for sharing impactful experiences exemplifying the “Think global, act local” approach; the domain reinforces the concept that global health policy is shaped by what is happening on the ground through evidence-based patient advocacy. It also offers a debating forum that engages policymakers with advocates on health policy issues, at an international, national and local level to help set strategies and inspire action.

Key themes addressed via the CHANGE domain are:

Digital Health 

Universal Health Care

The ‘Politics of Policy Making’

Data & Evidence-based Advocacy

The CHANGE domain:

  • Facilitated a multi-stakeholder experience exchange, which explored evolving healthcare trends and international best practice sharing to support the IEEPO patient community at the virtual 2022 'Action for Change' event. Read the 'Action for Change' event overview and watch the session recordings here.
  • Released a series of inspiring video interviews with selected CHANGEmakers.  Listen to our CHANGEmakers and learn how to implement change here.
  • Hosted a virtual policy panel debate with internationally renowned speakers during the IEEPO 2021 'Think Global, Act local' Transforming Healthcare together event. Read about the proceedings of this event here and watch the debate here.

External Advisory Committee - CHANGE Domain

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